Call up of thousands of reserves by Israel as it begins ground invasion of Gaza
IRS says lawyer owes them 5 cents, then it sends him another letter for a 4 cents refund
National Debt projected to jump to $2 Trillion in Obama's first year
As Recession deepens, credit card issuers who are used to squeezing consumers, are now on the receiving end of credit card holders squeezing them
US steelmakers asking for "Buy American" stimulus plan from the Federal Government
Nation's huge milk surplus is being subsidized by US taxpayers
Restaurants emptying, owners must rely on promotions to stay solvent
Saboteurs in Nigeria dynamite a pipeline operated by Italy's Agip Oil Co.

Question: What fool would give an unemployed woman $103,000 for the condemned shack above? Answer: A fool would not, but plenty of guilt free white collar criminals who all collected fees from selling the above scam looked the other way when it buttered their bread. Read the WSJ article. See the slideshow. Watch the video. These sociopathic business people are the slimeballs US taxpayers are now bailing out.
Must read from WSJ: The condemned shack in the photo above is a disgusting poster of what went wrong with Borrowers, Lenders, Realtors, Investment Bankers, Appraisers, Insurers, Ratings Agencies, etc., as they all propagated the housing scam which enriched them through criminal means
George Soros, Michael Dell and 5 other investors buying failed IndyMac Bank from the FDIC for $13.9 Billion
Atlantic City, New Jersey: layoffs pick up, newly planned casinos shelved, and as many as 5 of the 11 existing casinos could go bankrupt in 2009
Falcons' Smith, 'Fins' Sparano win USA TODAY's NFL coach honors
Obama pushing Democrats to have a stimulus package ready for him to sign on January 20th . . . the day he takes office
World's oldest woman dies (see video above)
Che Guevera, pretty fly for a dead guy . . . at least in South America
Porcupines are eating their way through Telluride, CO.
Key West Hemingway cats to US Dept. of Agriculture: Don't tread on us!
More Welfare for Really Rich Guys

Realtors Protest Increase in Fannie Mae Mortgage Fees
Teen trained to be suicide bomber in Afghanistan feels he was tricked

Where the jobs are: Want to work from home? 7 companies (with web addresses) hiring at home workers
What the color of your urine tells you
In the Next World Order, who will be top dog? India or China?
In the last three years, 9 returning vets at Fort Carson have murdered or have been charged with murder. Secretary of the Army wants to look at an Army wide problem.
Paul Krugman - "Republicans have become . . . a party of whiners."
John Travolta and Kelly Preston lose their 16 year old son to seizure in a hotel bathroom
Oregon Looks at Taxing Mileage Instead of Gasoline