Dell Computer rep puts woman's nude pictures up on Internet and demands ransom to take them down
SEC's Wyly brothers charges may depress GOP donations - Agency charges billionaires with fraud; creating $550 mln in illegal stock profits
Teens allegedly beat immigrant to death, recorded it
Teen Huffs AC Refrigerant, Dies
Natural gas causes building to explode in LA, killing one
Petite passenger kicked off flight to make room for obese passenger who needed two seats
Bristol calling off wedding because Levi's ex-girlfriend is pregnant?
3 NATO Troops Killed in Afghanistan
Body of second missing sailor found in Afghanistan

Newly rehired paper plant worker crushed by giant rollers in mill
Democrats tie Republicans to Tea Party agenda
Floods Trap Thousands in Northeast China
Canada locates British ship lost 157 years ago in the Arctic
From the Watchworld: Business/Economic/Housing/Layoffs News for July 29, 2010
87 illegal immigrants nabbed in Va, DC
Justice Department investigating exams which FBI agents took
NASCAR Owner Jack Roush's Airplane Crashes
`Unmistakable' Evidence Shows World Getting Warmer, NOAA Says

Veterans Affairs to Investigate Fallen Soldiers' Death Benefits
Plane Crash Kills 152 In Pakistan
Despite science against jetties, Gov. Bobby Jindal rocks on
It’s No Secret: Afghanistan Is a Quagmire

Congressman Bernie Sanders: "No To Oligarchy"
The New Yorker: "Letting Go - What Should Medicine Do When It Can't Save Your Life
Two-Year-Old Syler Newton Vanishes From Arizona Campground
8 severed heads discovered in Northern Mexico
Sarah Palin's Endorsement Of Kelly Ayotte May Have Hurt Senate Candidate's Campaign (POLL)
The shame of the Fourth Estate
Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey claims Islam may not be a religion (Video)
Helmand residents accuse Nato of deliberate attack on civilians
How the Gulf of Mexico became America's "toilet bowl"
America's laziest states
Oil well just off course of Louisiana hit by barge this morning, 20 foot high oil spew still not capped, booms surrounding spill
Firefox Just Perfected Tabbed Browsing. It’s Like Apple’s Expose Plus Spaces For The Web
Miles of US underground is ablaze with wildfires
US Government steels itself for intense criticism after Afghan war papers releases on Wikileaks
Body of missing American sailor found in eastern Afghanistan
From the Watchworld: Business/Economic/Housing/Layoff News for July 27, 2010
Translating the Stories of Life Forms Etched in Stone

Mexican prisoners "freed" by compliant guards killed 17 people at a party earlier this month
15 of the Best Scientific Hoaxes
EPA Whistleblower Accuses Agency of Covering Up Effects of Dispersant in BP Oil Spill Cleanup
Tea Party candidate calls Tea Party birthers "Dumb Asses"
Neel Kashkari, head of implementing Bush's TARP program for bankers, wants to cut social security and other entitlements to the shrinking Middle Class
Does anyone other than a Yankees' fan truly care about A-Rod's about to enter the 600 Club?
The New Pentagon Papers: WikiLeaks Releases 90,000+ Secret Military Documents Painting Devastating Picture of Afghanistan War
Mom faces life sentence for trying to poison her 4 yr. old daughter's catheter with feces
The newest trend in dating is a card, a wink, and a look up of a code on a specific website