New Coke fountain can dispense 100 different drinks
Iraq's Unspeakable Crime: Mothers Pimping Daughters
NYT: "Behind the Curtain At GE"
NYT: "AIG, Where Taxpayers' Dollars Go To Die
NYT on Moscow's Wealthy Class: "The Last Days of the Oligarchs?"
World Bank gives bleaker outlook on the Global Economy than private sources
Cool: Modern rainwater harvesting made beautiful
Elevator video backs up beatdown suspect's version that he did not provoke 3 Police Officers to break his nose and assault him
Madoff plea may lead to incrimination of others
Tensions high as China braces for Tibet protests
Obama says will do all necessary to boost economy
Newsweek: "Why Rush Is Wrong"
T.O. to Buffalo?
President Obama to visit Turkey
Housing Developments Wasteland
58.2% of all homes with mortgages in Las Vegas have Negative Equity

The Sounds of Silence on Cape Cod during the Winter months
NASA sends Kepler planet hunting spacecraft on its way
Senator McCaskill (D-Missouri) takes on the entire pork loving Republican Senate leadership and embarrasses them in their own chambers in 2 minutes flat (must see video)
All the Atlas Shrugged comparisons with this economy is just a load of hooey
Jail the CEOS who acted criminally
The Party of Limbaugh
Where were the born again dittoheads during the eight year rule of Team Defecit Spending under the Bush White House, which betrayed Conservative principles?
Is this the stock market bottom, or are we heading into a Depression?
Newsweek: When Economy Bottoms Out, How Will We Know?
Garrison, New York (see video above) Love of the Land, Hamlet on the Hudson . . . the future for vibrant American communities
L.A.'s nightclub life threatened by closings due to violence, loitering and noise
Unemployment in Florida jumped a full point to 8.6% in January
Joblessness hints at a vast restructuring of the American Economy: fewer stores, fewer factories, fewer financial services operations
Car bomb in Pakistan kills 11, while reports in NW Pakistan say a U.S. drone was downed
Experts nationwide fear this coming home selling season will be nastier than last year's bust
Another Bush era policy overturned: IRS stops hiring private firms to do tax collecting work
Actor Sidney Poitier believes all salaries in Hollywood and everywhere else should be capped
Star Wars director George Lucas feels CEOs of bailed out banks should have their salaries capped and that wealthier people should be taxed at higher rates
Housing industry upset with Team Obama's threat to reduce the home-ownership tax benefits for wealthier families
President Obama's latest weekly address focuses on the Economy and Healthcare
President Obama overturns Bush view on Stem Cell Research