As Job Loss Rises, Obama Aides Act to Fix Safety Net
Taliban chief cracks jokes, vows attacks
Afghanistan, 8 Years In: How We Got Here
Battle of Wanat - Inside the Ambush, 49 Americans in One Platoon vs. 200 Taliban
New rules to end 'blogger payola'
First H1N1 Vaccine Shipments Arrive
Group Claims to Debunk Shroud of Turin
Adult entertainment industry suffers first economic downturn in history

Why Nondrinkers May Be More Depressed
Gates: Defense Dept. will carry out Afghanistan plans
WSJ: Nationwide glut of apartments pushes rents down
Ukraine-Russia Tensions Evident in Crimea
Wired Magazine: How to throw a proper beer pong shot
Oil prices floated above $70 a barrel Tuesday in Asia
WATCH: Sheriff describes raccoon "gang attack" on Lakeland woman

NFL Scores, Stats, Standings and Schedules
Will Oakland Raiders lose their coach to assault charges filed by an assistant coach?
Robert Halderman's Attorney Says Letterman Extortion Accusation is 'Preposterous'
Pennyslvanian mauled to death by her 350 pound pet bear
Project Innocence Saves Another Man From the Chair: How a former deputy sheriff was wrongly charged with murder due to a dog's "sniffing him" out in a lineup
2 Government studies say 1 in 100 kids have autism
Fareed Zakaria says we must stop exaggerating the Iranian threat
GOP senators: US, not Israel, should attack Iran ‘if necessary’
Austin Police officials want to take on anonymous commenters who write nasty things about the Police on blogs and online media
Regulators Close 3 Banks; 2009 Failures Reach 98
Kitty Stomping is Sick
Will California become America's first bankrupt state?
British and New Zealand surfers survived tsunami by riding the wave

As unemployment increases, some very good high-paying jobs have no takers
Broward County, FL Sheriff's Deputy arrested on extortion, burglary and drug charges
Polar bear cub hitches a ride
44 Tons of Rotting Meat Makes Town Smell Like Hell
Why the fringe right is ga-ga over Sarah Palin
Marc Dreier's $400M Scam, The Inside Story
'Real Housewives' cast member's fiancé dies after fight at club
8 US soldiers killed in Afghanistan during gun battle

Up to 4,000 buried in Indonesian quake rubble
Nifty Vacuums under $50
Weak Levels of King Salmon Hurt Alaskan Fishermen
Why Wall Street's big ratings agencies should go the way of Arthur Andersen after Enron
Job losses overshadow signs of recovery
Despite recovery, employers aren’t hiring