www.a1anews.com - Independent Alternative News
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Sunday - January 18, 2009 - Palestinian Doctor Loses Three Daughters and Touches a Nation's Heart - Irsrael's
Website Advertising for cheating spouses to hook up with other cheaters nixed for the Super Bowl
Motley Fool Poster JimiH3ndrix's "Bank of America - A Modest Proposal"
Little Debbie peanut butter crackers recalled
Well respected and liked Palestinian doctor by Israelis touches the nation's heart after he loses three daughters to bombing
Germany looking closely at purported al-Qaida video in which a speaker threatens Germany over its troops in Afghanistan
The Foreclosure Crisis is no longer killing just the lower class as many more middle and upper class people are losing their homes
The End of Banking as We Know It
Solar Power Partners activates 19 solar facilities in U.S
Key West room rates falling as quickly as home prices and rents
Suicide bomber kills one US soldier and four Afghans in Kabul
Yao goes 12 for 12, helping the Rockets take down the Heat 93-86
NBA Scores, Standings, Schedules
Feearsome Foursome and their scheduled games for tomorrow: Eagles vs. Cardinals, Ravens vs. Steelers
FDIC shuts down one bank in Illinois and one in Washington
Cholera Kills 2,225 in Zimbabwe, Infects 42,600
Hello, we must be going: four Republican Senators not running for re-election in 2010
From earning six figures to hoping for $7 an hour, one woman is part of 1200 people who showed up for one of 150 jobs at a new Kohl Department Store
Mugabe's chief opponent returns to Zimbabwe
Alan Taylor's Big Picture Blog looks at SAILING
Israel declares ceasefire in Gaza
USA used less gasoline last year than anytime in the past 5 years
China's Central Bank attacks Paulson' "Gangster Logic"
KPMG offers 11,000 shorter work weeks in Great Britain
Layoffs: ImgaePoint, the nation's largest manufacturer of business signs, closes forever - 450 people lose jobs
Friday, January 16, 2009
Saturday - January 17, 2009 - Pink Slip Friday, The $10 Trillion Hangover, Arabs Lost $2.5 Trillion in the Credit Crisis, Manager & $350 Million Gone
Dr. Housing Bubble's latest is "Foreclose the Dream"
Mars to NASA: Forget water, follow the methane
Obama to ride train 137 miles, from Philadelphia to Washington, for the Inauguration
Shocking theory from director of Fermilab's Center for Particle Astrophysics: Our world may be a giant hologram
Barron's Weekly: Bush and Cheney took a defeat lap in Alan Abelson's "Parade of the Basket Cases"
Kuwaiti Foreign Minister claims Arabs lost $2.5 Trillion in credit crisis
83% of America's largest corporations have subsidiaries listed as tax havens (see page 2 of this GAO report)
Must Read: Kelso Corner's Blog: The $10 Trillion Hangover - Paying the Price for Eight Years of Bush (co-written by the blogger Linda Blimes and just published in Harper's Magazine)
Dirty Sanchez! CNN reporter tears Joe the Plumber a new one
Last poll before Bush leaves office shows unwavering conviction by Americans: 73% still disapprove of his performance over 2 terms.
Weather Report for the Countdown to Inauguration
One Twitter photo makes citizen journalist famous overnight
Money manager, Art Nadel of Sarasota, Florida and $350 Million . . . GONE!
3 young snowmobilers accused of torturing and killing 5 deer with snowmobiles
Outstanding PBS program "The Ascent of Money" now available on line
3 Springfield, Massachusetts men torch black congregation's new Church in retaliation for Obama being elected
Georgia's two largest banks downgraded on the weakness of their commercial loans
Howie Mandel on Stern's Show: Banker on His "Deal" Show is a Loser When Using Pickup Lines on Women
Japan’s Outcasts Still Wait for Acceptance
David Brooks: An Economy of Faith and Trust"
Paul Krugman: "Forgive and Forget?"
Gail Collins: He's Leaving. Really.
NYT Book Review of "Restoring the Balance: The road to the Mid East now leads through Tehran
Tens of Thousands of Jobs Obliterated on Pink Slip Friday
Layoffs: Circuit City to liquidate $2 Billion in inventory, close all 567 stores, and put more than 30,000 employees on the streets
Layoffs: GE Capital to guillotine 7,000 to 11,000 people
Layoffs: Clear Channel Radio will say good-bye to 1,500 personnel
Layoffs: Pfizer cuts 2,500 sales jobs
Layoffs: Cessna chops 2,000 jobs
Layoffs: Delta Air axes 2,000 people
Layoffs: Hertz Global parts with 4,000 employees
Layoffs: Wellpoint cuts 1,500 jobs
Layoffs: AMD to trim 1,100 jobs, initiate temporary pay cuts
Layoffs: Autodesk chops 1,500 workers
Layoffs: Xerox to shed 275 workers in upstate New York
Hypocrisy Watch on Bank of America (video above)
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Friday - January 16, 2009 - Might We See Mortgage Rates Fall to 3.5%? US Airways Crew Saved Everyone's Lives, The Blossoming of Nuclear Power
A New Menace to the Economy: Zombie Debtors
Andrew Wyeth, famous American painter, dies at 91
Update your security software: 3,000,000 hit by Windows Worm
Just added "Futronomics" blog to the A1A News blog honor roll based on the latest post: "Olympic Sized Depression Hitting Vancouver"
Zimbabwe rolls out a $100 Trillion note
Nintendo's Wii blows the doors off the gaming industry by selling an unprecendented 10 million plus units in one year
Frigid Friday On the East Coast
Barron's: The Blossoming of Nuclear Power
Companies (and stock symbols) of leading nuclear-players
4 Ways to Land a Better Deal on a Home
Edgar Allen Poe - still eerie after 200 years
How Jazz Helped Hasten the Civil-Rights Movement
Born to promote: the Inauguration, the Super Bowl, and a new album have Bruce Springsteen shifting into overdrive
The best receiver in the NFL, Larry Fitzgerald, is not the fastest, the biggest, the tallest or the best leaper. He plucks footballs out of the air with this eyes closed. Here are the secrets behind his success.
US General: Close to Pulling Troops out of City of Bagdhad this year
Can Barack Obama save Canada?
Cleanup of toxic sludge from TVA dam break costing more than $1 million per day
The growing clout of the nouveau poor
Sweden to ban the metal Mercury
Port St. Lucie man swings genitals, displays gang signs, neighbor tells cops
US Taxpayers extend a $138 Billion lifeline to Bank of America
As ad growth slows, Google backs off it's largesse to employees
The Electronic Frontier Foundation and the ACLU of California have filed a federal lawsuit against the FBI and local authorities over the seizure and search of two organizations' computers, they jointly announced Wednesday.
Secret Service on higher alert for this Inauguration due to chatter by White Supremacist groups
Peru: Paradise for Working Drunks
Might We See Mortgage Rates Fall to 3.5%?
Where Citi went wrong
Minneapolis' Star Tribune files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
9th consecutive day of snowfall sets record in Chicago
Are the methane plumes on Mars a sign of life?
Google Terminates Six Services: The company's ax is falling on Dodgeball, Google Catalog Search, Google Mashup Editor, Google Notebook, Jaiku, and Google Video.
Senate releases $350 Billion in the other half of the bailout
Rangel to reintroduce military draft measure
Poverty hits the American middle class
US Airways crew's quick reaction credited for saving the lives of everyone on board plane landing in the Hudson River
Russian/Ukrainian gas dispute looked at in overseas news video
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Thursday - January 15, 2009 - Layoffs Out the Wazoo, 22 Year Old Virgin Auctions Off Her Virginity, Nortel Files for Bankrutpcy,
Eli Lilly & Co. said Thursday it pleaded guilty to a charge that it illegally marketed anti-psychotic drug Zyprexa for off-label use, and will pay a combined $1.42 billion to settle civil suits and end the criminal investigation
Glossy women's magazines telling their declining readership to shop inside their closets
Paul Krugman in January 22, 2009 issue of Rolling Stone: WHAT OBAMA MUST DO
Small Alaskan towns are said to be dumping grounds for Priests who are pedophiles and pederasts
Tanking job market has the worried employed canceling vacations
Goldman Sachs: NYC housing prices will fall another 35 to 45%
Latvia shaken by riots over the weakened Economy
Meet Lady Sub-Prime (or a WaPo writer's view about the Arizona shack which I spotlighted on this blog on January 3rd or 4th)
How Paris is coping with its bistro smoking ban which has been in effect for one year
His faced covered in egg, Hugo Chavez wants Western Oil Companies to come back to Venezuela
Retail gets ravaged
Miami on Castro Death watch . . . police are ready for spontaneous celebrations
The Ten Best Cities for Men to Live In the USA
Former BART policeman who shot unarmed suspect in back is arrested for murder
Mother Nature Network added this morning to A1A News Honor Roll of News Websites
The Mother Nature Network website launches with help from Chuck Leavell, keyboardist for the Allman Brothers, Sea Level, Eric Clapton and the Rolling Stones
Mish: Is Bank of America the Next Citicorp?
Wal-mart changes its logo for the second time in two years
Video: 22 year old virgin auctioning off her virginity has had 10,000 bids, with the highest at last check of $5.6 million + Dumbass pilot who faked his own death
Microsoft layoffs coming tomorrow?
Layoffs: Google says good-bye to 100 recruiters
Layoffs: Oracle to cut 500 workers
Layoffs: Motorola to slash 4000 jobs
Economic indicators went from bad to worse on Wednesday, when dismal retail and inventory reports were compounded by the Federal Reserve's Beige Book showing that the United States had fallen deeply into recession.
Block of GOP Senators who voted for the first half of the bailout funds, determined to block the next $350 Billion by voting nea
Nissan may introduce restructuring plans today
Inventor of the Barbie doll was a full blown sex addicted 70s swinger
Is the price of gold about to boom?
Neanderthal Weaponry Lacked Projectile Advantage
Why bin Laden is speaking out
Will Obama make good on Bush's promise to find Osama bin Laden?
Good-bye No. 6! "Prisoner" actor and 60s icon, Patrick McGoohan, dies at 80
Barron's: Not all banks swim with the fishes
Panama: Strange Paradise
Foreclosure notices hit a record high for the 13-county Atlanta metro area in January
Four Reasons to Oppose the Bush-Obama Request for the Rest of the $700 Billion Bailout
(click on map above to expand)
Coldest temperatures of the New Year registered all across the USA, Friday to be the coldest day of this week in the South
Gannet Newspapers will force thousands of its employees to take off one week without pay to avoid layoffs
After complaints about indecency, the FCC investigates NBC's broadcast of the Golden Globes
China will develop oil field for Iran
Madoff shows up to court wearing a bullet proof vest; still out on bail
Steve Jobs out at Apple for 6 months as he takes care of his health
Shopaholic Dies in Avalanche of Suitcases Filled With Clothing
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Wednesday - January 14, 2009 - Alien Don Quixote? American Idlol Gives Thumbs Down on Stripclub's Promotion, NYC Rents Falling Hard,
Israeli assaults said to bring factions together in Gaza (see video above)
Brazil GM Workers Protest 802 Layoffs With Brief Work Stoppage
Layoffs: Cummins to cut 800 jobs worldwide, freeze all salaries for 2009
Federal officials temporarily bans health insurer WellPoint Inc. from marketing or selling Medicare health or drug plans
Newer direct injection gasoline engines to challenge hybrids
Layoffs: After reporting a 31.2% plunge in sales for December 2008, upscale Neiman Marcus cuts 375 employees
An Australian man fought off a shark as he snorkeled near Sydney Monday, freeing his leg from its jaws with a punch.
Would be bride, 107, seeks first husband
Banks need more bailout money? The line from DC is "things would have been much worse than they are had the government not floated banks the first-half of TARP's money
Democrats seek criminal probe of Bush 'abuses'
Mariska Hargitay of Law and Order suffers partially collapsed lung
Funny craigslist ad for an apartment for rent written by Landlord from Hell
New York City rents are now falling hard with some luxury unit buildings offering 3 months rent FREE
Bush appointee's emails out him as crazed wingnut who wanted One Party Rule at the Department of Justice
Warning: Vick's VapoRub can cause breathing problems in toddlers
Sec. of State nominee Hillary Clinton wants US to expand ties with India
Obama attends private dinner with three conservatives at George Will's home
American Idol sues stripclub over their "Stripper Idol" promotion
Was the "20th Hijacker" tortured in Guantanamo?
Obama's pick for Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, failed to pay $30,000 in Social Security and Medicare over a 4 year period
Maine lawmaker introduces bill to allow same sex marriages
Peanut butter made in Lynchburg, VA may be the cause for 400 cases of salmonella in 43 states
Blistering cold blows through Midwest on shoulders of a blizzard
Shocking cold wave drops temps to 40 below zero
Citi sells Smith Barney
Pilot/financier said to be a "smooth operator"
Results of the "extra steamy man" survey by AOL
Mish says pensions are a bubble bursting
If a male cheetah barks correctly, he'll send a female cheetah into heat
Did an alien Don Quixote have a tilt with an English wind turbine?
Monster.com using humor in its ads to help the unemployed find work
Layoffs: Pfizer to cut 800 research scientists
Senator Corker (R-TN), biggest critic of the Big 3, tours Detroit's auto show
Rep. Kendrick Meek (D-Fla.) announces he will go after the soon to be vacated Senator Mel Martinez's (R-Fla.) seat.
Citicorp's ends its supermarket approach to everything financial
Monday, January 12, 2009
Tuesday - January 13, 2009 - Rhapsody Tells Apple "Get off of My Cloud!", National Safety Council Calls for Cellphone Ban In Cars
Key West rents are dropping with housing prices
Best editorial cartoons for the week of Jan. 5-11, 2008 from "the Ink Tank"
Dumbass Criminal Swine Father of the Week: California man sells 14 year old daughter into marriage for $16,000, 100 cases of beer, and several cases of meat . . . then goes to the Police to complain the man he gave his daughter to did not keep his end of the bargain
New York Knicks Eddy Curry sued for sexual harrassment by his male limo driver
Like Florida, California is now losing more people than those who are moving in
How Wells Fargo Bank Avoided the Downfall of Other Big American Banks
New Jersey's new growth industry: foreclosure call center
High end neighborhoods in Southern California are collapsing in price
New car deals abound during this Recession (see video above)
Uh-oh - Retiring CEO of Wal-Mart says the chain will face a challenging first half of 2009
Record decline for China's exports
Germany to invest $67 Billion stimulus in its infrastructure
Is George Bush responsible for the global financial crisis?
Countries which will miss George Bush
Rhapsody tells Apple "Hey, you, get off of my cloud."
Merrill Lynch says the Rich are turning to gold bars "for safety". "It is amazing how many people want physical gold, not ETFs."
Breaking: Russia says Ukriane "blocks" transit of much needed natural gas to Europe which Russia just allowed to flow this AM
Brilliant short read: U2's Bono on Frank Sinatra, the present, the future
NYT: The 11 Best Foods You Are Not Eating
Shock in NYC cultural circles as 88 year founder of Amato Opera plans to end its 60 year run
National Safety Council pushes for ban of cellphone use in cars by drivers, including hands-free cellphone calls
Cabbies grumble as Las Vegas no longer crowded: CES last week hosted 23% fewer attendees
Russia to restart pumping natural gas through the Ukraine to gas hungry Europe
Faked death: Judge seizes assets of pilot now on the run and whose plane crashes without him
Bush's legacy: 2 unfinished wars, the US Economy in shambles, a budget defecit ready to hit $1 Trillion, and a tarnished reputation abroad
Last year, 350 GM dealerships closed their doors . . . in 2009 the number might be 500
Remember this name: SLICETHEPIE . . . How a new Internet rating biz might save the music biz
Oil loses 8% overnight, falling below $36 per barrel
Legions of unhappy laid off Chinese workers become more bold in their protests as unemployment hits highest rate since the Communists took over in 1949
10 ways to beat a credit hangover
Four of about 600 Afghan Taliban who attacked a Pakistani paramilitary base over the weekend are captured
Central bankers looking for a global recovery to begin in 2010
The most important finger on a man's hand which predisposes more success in sports and business
Blizzard hits North Dakota where temperatures tonight should reach -30 F degrees
Citicorp shares lose 17% Monday on concerns about its balance sheet and 4th quarter results
Great set of 30 photos of New York City from the Amazing Filtered Things blog
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Monday - January 12, 2009 - Hyundai Genesis Named North American Car of the Year at Auto Show, LG Display Sings 5 Year Deal to Supply Apple with LCDs
Hornswoggled Absquatulation
Despite Chyrsler's plea to its dealers to order cars, dealers still have too much inventory
Ex-Economists of the NAR, David Lereah, is more pathetic than ever
Just the 2nd sub-$200,000 downtown Key West home since the 1990s!
1694 was the "Last Time": Bank of England cuts interest rates to lowest level in bank's 315-year history
Jim Rogers: "America as we know it is not going to exist anymore" Pt. 1 of 5 of his latest video interview titled America is Collapsing
Coldest Arctic blasts of the Winter to hit Eastern US this coming week
The Economy was the main topic at NASCAR event this weekend
Steelers beat Chargers 35-24, meet Ravens again
Philadelphia Eagles take down defending Super Bowl Champs New York Giants 23-11
Drunk woman arrested for DUI by mounted officers wanted to pet their "puppies"
McDonald's new marketing, interiors, menu and late hours are packing in people who haven't bought there in years
Secretive Swiss banking accounts about to end for 19,000 Americans under IRS pressure
Hundreds of Afghan Taliban pour across Pakistan border to attack paramilitary outpost. About 40 Taliban die and 6 Pakistani troops killed
Madoff even scammed his 74 year old sister, who is forced to sell Palm Beach home
USS George H.W. Bush, the Navy's newest aircraft carrier, launches in Norfolk
Motley Fool thread: "Would You Lend To This Guy?"
Hyundai Genesis named North American Car of the Year at auto show
LG Display signs 5 year deal to supply Apple with LCD screens
Israel's drive deep into Gaza might be entering a new phase (see video)
A 64 year old woman with 60 degrees body temp comes back to life in Minnesota
Pirates body washes ashore with $153,000
Police in West Palm Beach seek "portly Ninja" who is trying to steal ATMs
"Eternal Flame" at Arizona Veterans Memorial extinguished after gas bill arrives
Pravda: Earth on the brink of a new Ice Age
USA getting used to dirtier and more wrinkled clothes
Great White Tops List of Hardest-Biting Sharks: It's not the size of the shark, it's the width of the head
Over 300 government employees from Florida's Treasure Coast make over $100k a year
One solution for Florida's deficit: higher traffic fines, no more discounts for traffic school and no more waived fines
Mish: "Unemployment Claims Crash Multiple Websites"
Using "Atlas Shrugged" as a prism to view today where the more incompetent you are in business, the more handouts the politicians will bestow on you.
BART police officer who shot unarmed man dead recalled as a "Gentle Giant" when he was young
The man who named the Fender Stratocaster dies
Layoffs: 2100 Land America employees cut loose after being acquired by Fidelity Financial National
Layoffs: Genworth cutting 1,000 jobs, 400 of which are in Richmond, Virginia's west end county of Henrico
Teen dies after being tasered by police in Martinsville, VA
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- Wednesday - January 14, 2009 - Alien Don Quixote? ...
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Money Will Fix This2 hours ago
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