Website Advertising for cheating spouses to hook up with other cheaters nixed for the Super Bowl
Motley Fool Poster JimiH3ndrix's "Bank of America - A Modest Proposal"
Little Debbie peanut butter crackers recalled
Well respected and liked Palestinian doctor by Israelis touches the nation's heart after he loses three daughters to bombing
Germany looking closely at purported al-Qaida video in which a speaker threatens Germany over its troops in Afghanistan
The Foreclosure Crisis is no longer killing just the lower class as many more middle and upper class people are losing their homes
The End of Banking as We Know It
Solar Power Partners activates 19 solar facilities in U.S
Key West room rates falling as quickly as home prices and rents

Suicide bomber kills one US soldier and four Afghans in Kabul
Yao goes 12 for 12, helping the Rockets take down the Heat 93-86
NBA Scores, Standings, Schedules
Feearsome Foursome and their scheduled games for tomorrow: Eagles vs. Cardinals, Ravens vs. Steelers
FDIC shuts down one bank in Illinois and one in Washington
Cholera Kills 2,225 in Zimbabwe, Infects 42,600
Hello, we must be going: four Republican Senators not running for re-election in 2010
From earning six figures to hoping for $7 an hour, one woman is part of 1200 people who showed up for one of 150 jobs at a new Kohl Department Store
Mugabe's chief opponent returns to Zimbabwe

Alan Taylor's Big Picture Blog looks at SAILING
Israel declares ceasefire in Gaza
USA used less gasoline last year than anytime in the past 5 years
China's Central Bank attacks Paulson' "Gangster Logic"
KPMG offers 11,000 shorter work weeks in Great Britain
Layoffs: ImgaePoint, the nation's largest manufacturer of business signs, closes forever - 450 people lose jobs