Dr. Housing Bubble's latest is "Foreclose the Dream"
Mars to NASA: Forget water, follow the methane
Obama to ride train 137 miles, from Philadelphia to Washington, for the Inauguration
Shocking theory from director of Fermilab's Center for Particle Astrophysics: Our world may be a giant hologram

Barron's Weekly: Bush and Cheney took a defeat lap in Alan Abelson's "Parade of the Basket Cases"
Kuwaiti Foreign Minister claims Arabs lost $2.5 Trillion in credit crisis
83% of America's largest corporations have subsidiaries listed as tax havens (see page 2 of this GAO report)
Must Read: Kelso Corner's Blog: The $10 Trillion Hangover - Paying the Price for Eight Years of Bush (co-written by the blogger Linda Blimes and just published in Harper's Magazine)
Dirty Sanchez! CNN reporter tears Joe the Plumber a new one
Last poll before Bush leaves office shows unwavering conviction by Americans: 73% still disapprove of his performance over 2 terms.
Weather Report for the Countdown to Inauguration
One Twitter photo makes citizen journalist famous overnight
Money manager, Art Nadel of Sarasota, Florida and $350 Million . . . GONE!
3 young snowmobilers accused of torturing and killing 5 deer with snowmobiles
Outstanding PBS program "The Ascent of Money" now available on line
3 Springfield, Massachusetts men torch black congregation's new Church in retaliation for Obama being elected
Georgia's two largest banks downgraded on the weakness of their commercial loans
Howie Mandel on Stern's Show: Banker on His "Deal" Show is a Loser When Using Pickup Lines on Women
Japan’s Outcasts Still Wait for Acceptance
David Brooks: An Economy of Faith and Trust"
Paul Krugman: "Forgive and Forget?"
Gail Collins: He's Leaving. Really.
NYT Book Review of "Restoring the Balance: The road to the Mid East now leads through Tehran
Tens of Thousands of Jobs Obliterated on Pink Slip Friday
Layoffs: Circuit City to liquidate $2 Billion in inventory, close all 567 stores, and put more than 30,000 employees on the streets
Layoffs: GE Capital to guillotine 7,000 to 11,000 people
Layoffs: Clear Channel Radio will say good-bye to 1,500 personnel
Layoffs: Pfizer cuts 2,500 sales jobs
Layoffs: Cessna chops 2,000 jobs
Layoffs: Delta Air axes 2,000 people
Layoffs: Hertz Global parts with 4,000 employees
Layoffs: Wellpoint cuts 1,500 jobs
Layoffs: AMD to trim 1,100 jobs, initiate temporary pay cuts
Layoffs: Autodesk chops 1,500 workers
Layoffs: Xerox to shed 275 workers in upstate New York
Hypocrisy Watch on Bank of America (video above)
1 comment:
What are all the crabby appletons going to do without Steve Jobs around to wipe their noses?
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