A New Menace to the Economy: Zombie Debtors
Andrew Wyeth, famous American painter, dies at 91
Update your security software: 3,000,000 hit by Windows Worm
Just added "Futronomics" blog to the A1A News blog honor roll based on the latest post: "Olympic Sized Depression Hitting Vancouver"
Zimbabwe rolls out a $100 Trillion note
Nintendo's Wii blows the doors off the gaming industry by selling an unprecendented 10 million plus units in one year

Recent New England Journal of Medicine reveals how shockingly corrupt drug companies are
Barron's: The Blossoming of Nuclear Power
Companies (and stock symbols) of leading nuclear-players
4 Ways to Land a Better Deal on a Home
Edgar Allen Poe - still eerie after 200 years
How Jazz Helped Hasten the Civil-Rights Movement
Born to promote: the Inauguration, the Super Bowl, and a new album have Bruce Springsteen shifting into overdrive
The best receiver in the NFL, Larry Fitzgerald, is not the fastest, the biggest, the tallest or the best leaper. He plucks footballs out of the air with this eyes closed. Here are the secrets behind his success.
US General: Close to Pulling Troops out of City of Bagdhad this year
Can Barack Obama save Canada?
Cleanup of toxic sludge from TVA dam break costing more than $1 million per day
The growing clout of the nouveau poor
Sweden to ban the metal Mercury
Port St. Lucie man swings genitals, displays gang signs, neighbor tells cops
US Taxpayers extend a $138 Billion lifeline to Bank of America
As ad growth slows, Google backs off it's largesse to employees
The Electronic Frontier Foundation and the ACLU of California have filed a federal lawsuit against the FBI and local authorities over the seizure and search of two organizations' computers, they jointly announced Wednesday.
Secret Service on higher alert for this Inauguration due to chatter by White Supremacist groups
Peru: Paradise for Working Drunks
Might We See Mortgage Rates Fall to 3.5%?
Where Citi went wrong
Minneapolis' Star Tribune files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Companies (and stock symbols) of leading nuclear-players
4 Ways to Land a Better Deal on a Home
Edgar Allen Poe - still eerie after 200 years
How Jazz Helped Hasten the Civil-Rights Movement
Born to promote: the Inauguration, the Super Bowl, and a new album have Bruce Springsteen shifting into overdrive
The best receiver in the NFL, Larry Fitzgerald, is not the fastest, the biggest, the tallest or the best leaper. He plucks footballs out of the air with this eyes closed. Here are the secrets behind his success.
US General: Close to Pulling Troops out of City of Bagdhad this year

Cleanup of toxic sludge from TVA dam break costing more than $1 million per day
The growing clout of the nouveau poor
Sweden to ban the metal Mercury
Port St. Lucie man swings genitals, displays gang signs, neighbor tells cops

As ad growth slows, Google backs off it's largesse to employees
The Electronic Frontier Foundation and the ACLU of California have filed a federal lawsuit against the FBI and local authorities over the seizure and search of two organizations' computers, they jointly announced Wednesday.
Secret Service on higher alert for this Inauguration due to chatter by White Supremacist groups
Peru: Paradise for Working Drunks

Where Citi went wrong
Minneapolis' Star Tribune files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Profits at Intel drop by 90%
9th consecutive day of snowfall sets record in Chicago
Are the methane plumes on Mars a sign of life?
Google Terminates Six Services: The company's ax is falling on Dodgeball, Google Catalog Search, Google Mashup Editor, Google Notebook, Jaiku, and Google Video.
Senate releases $350 Billion in the other half of the bailout
Rangel to reintroduce military draft measure
Poverty hits the American middle class
US Airways crew's quick reaction credited for saving the lives of everyone on board plane landing in the Hudson River
Russian/Ukrainian gas dispute looked at in overseas news video
9th consecutive day of snowfall sets record in Chicago
Are the methane plumes on Mars a sign of life?
Google Terminates Six Services: The company's ax is falling on Dodgeball, Google Catalog Search, Google Mashup Editor, Google Notebook, Jaiku, and Google Video.
Senate releases $350 Billion in the other half of the bailout
Rangel to reintroduce military draft measure
Poverty hits the American middle class

Russian/Ukrainian gas dispute looked at in overseas news video
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