Key West rents are dropping with housing prices

Best editorial cartoons for the week of Jan. 5-11, 2008 from "the Ink Tank"
Dumbass Criminal Swine Father of the Week: California man sells 14 year old daughter into marriage for $16,000, 100 cases of beer, and several cases of meat . . . then goes to the Police to complain the man he gave his daughter to did not keep his end of the bargain
New York Knicks Eddy Curry sued for sexual harrassment by his male limo driver
Like Florida, California is now losing more people than those who are moving in
How Wells Fargo Bank Avoided the Downfall of Other Big American Banks
New Jersey's new growth industry: foreclosure call center
High end neighborhoods in Southern California are collapsing in price
New car deals abound during this Recession (see video above)
Uh-oh - Retiring CEO of Wal-Mart says the chain will face a challenging first half of 2009
Record decline for China's exports
Germany to invest $67 Billion stimulus in its infrastructure
Is George Bush responsible for the global financial crisis?
Countries which will miss George Bush

Merrill Lynch says the Rich are turning to gold bars "for safety". "It is amazing how many people want physical gold, not ETFs."
Breaking: Russia says Ukriane "blocks" transit of much needed natural gas to Europe which Russia just allowed to flow this AM
Brilliant short read: U2's Bono on Frank Sinatra, the present, the future
NYT: The 11 Best Foods You Are Not Eating
Shock in NYC cultural circles as 88 year founder of Amato Opera plans to end its 60 year run
National Safety Council pushes for ban of cellphone use in cars by drivers, including hands-free cellphone calls
Cabbies grumble as Las Vegas no longer crowded: CES last week hosted 23% fewer attendees
Russia to restart pumping natural gas through the Ukraine to gas hungry Europe
Faked death: Judge seizes assets of pilot now on the run and whose plane crashes without him
Bush's legacy: 2 unfinished wars, the US Economy in shambles, a budget defecit ready to hit $1 Trillion, and a tarnished reputation abroad

Remember this name: SLICETHEPIE . . . How a new Internet rating biz might save the music biz
Oil loses 8% overnight, falling below $36 per barrel

10 ways to beat a credit hangover
Four of about 600 Afghan Taliban who attacked a Pakistani paramilitary base over the weekend are captured
Central bankers looking for a global recovery to begin in 2010
The most important finger on a man's hand which predisposes more success in sports and business
Blizzard hits North Dakota where temperatures tonight should reach -30 F degrees
Citicorp shares lose 17% Monday on concerns about its balance sheet and 4th quarter results

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