Nebraska's infamous "Butt Bandit" charged with 10 misdemeanors
Web Star: The Running Shrimp
Sarah Palin could rake in $7 million on book deal
Current Defense Secretary Gates will stay with Obama White House for at least one year
Indian Navy says now that sunk"Mother Ship" of Somali pirates was actually a Thai fishing trawler
World's first digital camera with a built in printer
Brazilian death toll from floods raised again, this time to over 100
Somali gunmen kidnap two more Western journalists
Justice handed down to just caught acid attackers of Afghan schoolgirls: public execution
Web Star: The Running Shrimp
Sarah Palin could rake in $7 million on book deal
Current Defense Secretary Gates will stay with Obama White House for at least one year
Indian Navy says now that sunk"Mother Ship" of Somali pirates was actually a Thai fishing trawler
World's first digital camera with a built in printer
Brazilian death toll from floods raised again, this time to over 100
Somali gunmen kidnap two more Western journalists
Justice handed down to just caught acid attackers of Afghan schoolgirls: public execution
REUTERS PHOTO Factory workers surround an overturned police car during a protest outside Kaida toy factory in Dongguan, China, Nov. 25, 2008.
Workers riot at Chinese toy factory, flip police car, destroy computers all over a pay dispute
Economic crisis dampens building boom in Persian Gulf
British father of nine jailed for life after raping his daughters for 25 years
Joe Biden to have a broader role as Counselor to Obama
Fewer Americans going "home" for this Thanksgiving
Taliban, drug lords await $770 opium harvest
Five kids' - ages 8 to 15 - have joyride end tragically with the deaths of two of them
Pro-peace Somali factions agree on power sharing
Brazilian bee rampage kills one, hospitalizes nine

Two men, one wearing what appeared to be an Iraqi military uniform, gun down two American troops on a humanitarian mission in Iraq while others are injured
Latin America has the highest murder rates in the World
It's not good to be the richest man in China
Russia accuses US troops of running one of their Embassy cars off the road in Bagdhad
The Atlantic bluefin tuna is threatened with extinction
Analysis: Tuna a victim of gutless politicians and myopic industry
Al Qaeda shifting its focus from Afghanistan to Pakistan says U.S. Senior Commander

Sri Lankan Army poised to take the Tamil Tigers' HQ and end the 25 year old civil war?
Drunk driver drives over himself
European Union jumps on the Bailout Bandwagon . . . will offer $260 Billion to rekindle the Continent's economy
Afghan President Karzai criticizes US and NATO for being unable to defeat the Taliban. Asks for timetable to end of the war.
US claims coalition troops kill 25 Taliban in Afghanistan

Cult of Personality idol, Britney Spears, trying for a comeback at age 26
Girls Gone Wild - Female students at a Gaza University throw fists and chairs in Hamas vs Fatah Smackdown
Iraq Shiites, Kurds meet Sunni demand on US pact
The mayor of Vladikavkaz, a southern city in Russia's conflict-prone North Caucasus region, was assassinated
Thai Army calling for new elections, airport still closed down by sitting protesters
Nasty looking quarterly banking review from the FDIC shows a clear trend of rapid deterioration of asset values, earnings, and income.
Former Fed Reserve Chairman, Paul Volcker, will be head of Obama's new White House advisory board called the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board

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