Tribune Co., owner of LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Cubs and more, files for bankruptcy
San Diego median home prices drop 6.1% in just a one month time frame (Oct to Nov 2008)
The leaders of 14 Caribbean nations urged US President-Elect Barack Obama to lift the decades-old trade embargo against Cuba
Growing consensus Marines in Western Iraq will shift to Afghanistan

Trigger-happy cowboys in Iraq have had their day
Chinese whistleblowers on corruption are not rewarded . . . sent to Mental Hospital instead
Two F-15 jets collide over the Gulf of Mexico off Eglin AF Base: one pilot dies after rescue
US F-18 crashes into heavily populated San Diego neighborhood, just missing a High School (video)
Riots intensify in third day of youngsters vs. Greek Police
Foreclosures have come to wealthy neighborhoods
Miles and Miles of Unsold Imported New Cars Stack Up Around the USA
State of Illinois tells Bank of America to settle with strikers at plant or suffer no state business
Frugal farmer who lived in a trailer leaves $2 million to his 80 member Church
Jihadists plan to invade Youtube
Wadena, Minnesota man takes horrifying work related accidents in stride. Don't open if you get queasy easy
NY Times to use its Manhattan HQ building as collateral for $225,000,000 loan
Five Blackwater mercenaries surrender to authorities in Utah over Iraqi death charges
Even as gas prices drop and unemployment rises, mass transit uses continues to surge
Doris "Tanta" Dungey of the Calculate Risk Blog passes away from ovarian cancer. She was one of the best

Homeowners refinancing frenzy
Layoffs: 3M cuts 1,800 jobs
Markets around the world surged earlier today on Economic Stimulus Plans in the USA
Taliban leader warns new President-elect that any increase in US Armed forces in Afghanistan will result in violent response by Islamic jihad forces
Seventy-year old Indian woman who received IVF treatments gives birth?
Pakistan arrests alleged mastermind of Mumbai massacre
McClatchy wants to sell the Miami Herald
Jim Kuntsler's latest just released at 8:40 AM today says,"Even CNBC's Lawrence Kudlow has been reduced to searching for stray "mustard seeds" of hope on hands and knees in a bleak and tortured financial landscape." Says we are transitioning from a wealth society to a hardship society.

Watchdog, debt rating agencies caught napping in this Credit Crisis . . . have had to downgrade "thousands" of security ratings it mis-graded early on
Taliban expanding in Afghanistan with permanent footprint in 3/4 of the country
Pressure grows from outside the company to oust CEO Wagoner of GM
Why Japanese carmakers do not want to see any of the Big 3 go under
Montana becomes the third state where doctor assisted suicide is legalised
Brain steroids will change the way we think, remember, work and take tests. Debate rages over the ethics.
Intel is claiming "world record" performance in optical communications using silicon photonics

First Vietnamese-American, Anh Cao (R-LA), is elected to the House of Representatives
Atlantic City Council Stars in Sex, Lies and Videotape
Gators and Sooners scheduled to play January 8th for the BCS Title Game
The Recession has killed the recyclables business
Joe the Plumber, Sarah Palin and Barbara Bush's dog: Typing without a clue
Pakistani Taliban militants destroy more than 100 NATO trucks loaded with supplies in Peshawar
Two US and one Russian hacker are charged with International Banking Trojan scheme
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