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Opinion piece in the WSJ today: Get Ready for a Lost Decade
SoCal law school tempts students with free tuition
Jobless rate swings to the highest in 26 years
Cheney's Shocking Admissions on How Close He Came to Nearly Destroying the Country
Why one great investor passed on investing with Bernie Madoff 11 years ago
Sign 'O the Times: Now, first stop at mall is often to sell gold
Is your chocolate costing more? Cocoa prices hit a 23 year high

What the price of oil is telling us
Casey Research on the eBay Index: The one place which shows you how much gold is really worth
Economy deflated 0.5% while Economists feel the current quarter will be even worse
37 year old former Utah State Trooper tries to take his own life, after which authorities hold him for one of yesterday's highway shooting deaths in Texas
Recession making for a dark Christmas
As the Economy continues to tank, more PadDay lenders sprout in suburban middle class strip malls
Miami police release sketch of woman found dead in a trash truck two weeks ago, seeking her ID
Motley Fool blogger near Wall Street says "Housing is a mess: anecdotal & statistical evidence"

Q & A: Somali pirate explains how you steal a ship
Equifax Credit Bureau states US Consumers are falling deeper into debt
Holy smokes! Authorities in Arizona seize 25,600 pounds of marijuana, one kilogram of coke, $769,000 and says the drug smugglers just busted had moved 900 tons of pot into the USA
Russia expects its first defecit in over a decade
A New New Deal? It is time to invest in America: A must read one day after the giant water main burst in Bethesda, MD

Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu says threaten Mugabe of Zimbabwe with force
US and other countries step up their fight against corporate crime

Two Hamas militants die after mishandling explosives
How We Can Live with Less and Still Feel Rich
Young Turks Poke Fun At Rush Limbaugh and His New Conspiracy Theory By Replaying His Latest Show: Which Leads the A1A News Team to Ask, "Rush, are you on oxys again?"
How to enrage rich investors even further: Cereberus (owner of Chrysler) Caps Withdrawals From Hedge Fund After Loss
Forensic accountant who predicted 1994 crash of Orange County says up to 10 municipalities will go bankrupt in 2009
SEC may charge Bruce Bent, inventor of the money market fund, with violating securities laws in the collapse of its $63 billion Reserve Primary Fund
Italian Priest ruins Christmas for kids by telling them there is no Santa
Now retailers want President-elect Obama to add sales tax-exempt shopping days to his stimulus package
Real estate developers chase away iconic charter boats and captains from their docks in the Upper Keys
A rebelious student body in Jordan returns to the past and embraces the Koran
WSJ: The Next Wave of State Taxes
US tells China they are not getting the 17 Chinese Guantanamo prisoners soon to be released
Bomb explodes in Pakistani city killing one, injuring four
I thoroughly enjoy your kaleidoscopic presentation of world news. Keep up the great work!
Rush Limbaugh must be doing something stronger than Oxys. It sounds to me like he's paranoid and living in a bunker, sort of like Hitler in his last days
I just discovered this post on a message board. Thanks for the laugh. I think Rush Limbaugh is smoking Drano
Smoking Drano? You know, maybe that's why Limbaugh has such diarrhea of the mouth. LOL.
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