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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday - February 1, 2009 - "Hippie" The At Home Pharmacist, Six Were Not Enough . . . Will 14 Be the Charm? GOP Governors Like Stimulus

Steelers Win It All 27-23 In One Of The Greatest Super Bowl Finishes Of All Time

ATTENTION! A Shameless Plug For Key West's Best Super Bowl Party Down At Cowboy Bill's . . . See You There If You're In Town

Father of the Week: 22 year old father leaves 4 year old daugher in freezing car for hours so he could "visit" 13 year old girl with whom he's found in bed by Police

Fox News Looks at "The Bacon Explosion" at Super Bowl 43 Which Has Swept Youtube

The Soul-Crushing Malaise of the 1950s Killed the American Dream?

Big changes coming to Wal-Mart? New CEO takes over today right when Unions are rattling to organize workers

People who drive Hummers are five times more likely to be ticketed

Mark Phelps regrets the photos in British tabloid showing him hitting the pot pipe

Colombian leftist rebels the Farc have handed over four high-profile hostages to a humanitarian delegation

Ach du Liebe! Influx of naked German hikers upsets Swiss village

Evolution war still rages 200 years after Darwin's birth

Palestinians break ceasefire and shoot 6 rockets into Southern Israel this morning

As Kenyans tried to scoop up free gasoline from overturned tanker on highway it explodes and kills over 100

Associated Press review of visas shows Bailout Banks sought government permission to bring thousands of foreigners to the U.S. for high paying jobs

For the second time another Obama pick, Tom Daschle, pays back taxes after his nomination

Busted: Meet "Hippie" who had his own home pharmacy of hallucinogenics

The time of getting rid of lawyer's billable hours has drawn nigh

Who chooses the Dali Lama's successor?

The Economic Storm is now bearing down on the wealthy homeowners of Fisher Island

Parents sue hotel after their toddler chokes on used condom

Medical Community Speaking Out Against "Multiple Gestations" Such As the Octuplets Were Most Likely Caused By (2 part interview above)

Octuplet's mother worked at IVF clinic, already has 6 kids, lives with parents, no husband, and society is picking up the bill

Police agencies seek right to jam cell signals to foil remote controlled bombs

Hour of Power tele-evangelist Church formerly led by Robert Schuller has jumped the shark since Schuller's son took over the purse strings of the business 3 years ago

New oldest woman alive? She's 128 years old according to her birth certificate!

Afghanistan: Obama's Vietnam

Governor Charlie Crist (R) of Florida
Most Republican governors have broken with their GOP colleagues in Congress and are pushing for passage of President Barack Obama's economic aid plan

Kentucky deploys every single member of its National Guard to handle ice storm cleanup while hundreds of thousands are still without power

24 Breathtaking photos of "London at Night" from Alan Taylor's Big Picture Blog

FDA Panel Narrowly Recommends Darvon Be Pulled Off Market

How convenient: Troubled peanut firm’s chief also an industry quality adviser

Washington Post on Obama's "Multi-Pronged Bank Plan" . . . what to expect in its unveiling soon

U.S. Stocks Retreat to Send S&P 500, Dow to Worst January Loss

NYT: Help for 11 Million U.S. Children . . . "Congress is moving rapidly to rectify the Bush administration’s shameful refusal to expand the State Children’s Health Insurance Program"

Obama to balance home mortgage relief with bailouts for banks

Mount Redoubt in Alaska could erupt within days to weeks says the U.S. Geological Survey Early Sunday update: Scientists say a hole the size of 2 football fields on upper glacier is growing and emitting gases and steam

Dell's rumored smartphone aimed at the Blackberry more than the iPhone?

Media Again Criticizes Jessica Simpson for Weight Gain

Finally, word from Google about Saturday Morning's outage: not a hack, but human error!

Startling, growing statistic: One Chinese child born every 30 seconds with a birth defect, pollution from New Economy blamed

Nearly 1M without power 5 days after ice storm

NFL Super Bowl 43 News, Stories and Photos

“Tough times call for a great party,”
NBC finally sells out all Super Bowl ads for a record $206 Million!

Former Buffalo Bills great, Bruce Smith, among 5 others to be inducted into the NFL's Hall of Fame

NBA Scores, Schedules and Standings

NCAA Men's Basketball

NCAA Women's Basketball

NHL Scores, Schedules and Standings


Super Bowl Sunday Weather . . . Big Nasty Weather On the Way for the East

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hippie's line up photo? Priceless!

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