Exchange between handlers and Mumbai gunmen:
"We have three foreigners, including women," a gunman said into the phone from the Oberoi Hotel where hostages had been captured.
"Kill them," replied the handler. Gunshots then rang out, followed by cheering that could be heard over the phone.
"Inflict the maximum damage," they said.
An outbreak of salmonella food poisoning has made 388 people sick across 42 states
Turkish police arrests 30 people accuese of overthrowing government
The ultimate "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" question is finally answered . . . black holes preceded galaxies

The Economy continues to lose steam as Americans begin to cut costs and learn to save again
The Best and Worst Jobs in the USA
Real-estate executive Steven L. Good was found dead of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound Monday in his Jaguar in a forest preserve outside Chicago, said the Kane County Sheriff's Department.
Google's CEO, Eric Schmidt, wishes he could rescue newspapers
Spokane, Washington has already had 6 feet of snow this Winter

The Atlantic Monthly: "The End of White America?"
Levi Johnston, father of Sarah Palin's new grandson, quits his oil field job after it was learned he was working in the apprentice program without a H.S. Diploma
A six year old Virginia boy misses his school bus, so while mom was asleep, he took the family car, drove 6 miles, and finally crashed. He learned to drive playing video games
Big Booty Beauty and the New Sexual Aesthetic
Layoffs: Alcoa will cut another 13,500 workers
LAPD tried to reverse a coroner's verdict in girl's death caused by SWAT team bullet three years ago

Apple iTunes unveils 3 tier song costs, the more a song is wanted, the more it will cost
Bar fight over a Jimmy Buffet song on a Steamboat Springs, CO bar jukebox results in death for US Army soldier on leave
4 Oregon Children Left Alone for Days After Parents Die in Apparent Murder-Suicide
German Billionaire committs suicide over despair from business losses resulting from current financial crisis
Israeli mortar shells land on UN school killing over 40 civilians
Coleman sues over recount in Minnesota Senate race
4 Oregon Children Left Alone for Days After Parents Die in Apparent Murder-Suicide
German Billionaire committs suicide over despair from business losses resulting from current financial crisis
Israeli mortar shells land on UN school killing over 40 civilians
Coleman sues over recount in Minnesota Senate race
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