"Live Sober or Die" the new state motto for New Hampshire?
Former Gitmo Guard Tells All
The net worth of America's households is now less than what it was in 2001
One vote shy, California lawmakers can't rescue the State Budget from Limbo
Nuclear subs from Britain and France collide deep beneath the Atlantic Ocean
How Don Basile, the CEO of a storage start-up, convinced Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak to go back to work
Venezuelan referendum tells Chavez to stay just a little bit longer
America's 10 Most Miserable Cities
Rock Trueblood's Videos Du Jour (click here) for 16 Feb 09: Ron Paul's "What If?", "Dairy Cows Suffer Execution As Milk Prices Fall", "Efforts to Avoid Deflation Will Probably Lead to Hyper-Inflation Says "Shadow Stats" Founder" . . . and more

Bigger is better in the eyes of male whales courting partners
The difference in bankruptcy court today vs the past: "Everyone's so leveraged!"
Suspended contacts between the U.S. and Chinese militaries will resume later this month
Texans report fireball in sky, sonic booms
"Diaper Dave" Vitter says Obama adopts judicial stands of a Dictatorship
Several shortcomings are holding back Google TV

Man gets prison term for making another man drink to death
U.S to confer with Afghanistan over strategy of fighting war in that country
Democrats May Be Headed to Showdown With Obama Over Bush Probes
As Housing Prices Plunge, Refinancing Gets Harder

Matt Kenseth wins the Daytona 500
Tempers boil after Dale Jr. causes wreck
More NASCAR News and Stories
Barron's feels the U.S. will hit double digit unemployment and housing has many months (double-digit months) to go before hitting bottom
Georgia leads the U.S. in weak banks on the cusp of failing
3 companies, 3 differing technologies to vie against one another in 2009 for hi-def wireless supremacy
7,000 Columbians run from erupting volcano
Tempers boil after Dale Jr. causes wreck
More NASCAR News and Stories
Barron's feels the U.S. will hit double digit unemployment and housing has many months (double-digit months) to go before hitting bottom
Georgia leads the U.S. in weak banks on the cusp of failing
3 companies, 3 differing technologies to vie against one another in 2009 for hi-def wireless supremacy
7,000 Columbians run from erupting volcano

Instead of a Car Czar, President Obama is opting for a task force for restructuring the auto industry
The Boom Is Over. Long Live The Art!
Do We Need A New Internet?
How Obama beat the bleating Doubting Thomases of the mainstream media yet again with his Stimulus package win: the Republican Party is led by out of touch pundits, not real leaders
The Boom Is Over. Long Live The Art!
Do We Need A New Internet?
How Obama beat the bleating Doubting Thomases of the mainstream media yet again with his Stimulus package win: the Republican Party is led by out of touch pundits, not real leaders
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