Dealers, dreamers see gold in California housing bust
Soros sees no bottom for world financial "collapse"
Oil rises above $40, Citi stake report supports
India's Reliance Industries will soon acquire clean storages in the U.S. East Coast and Gulf Coast to sell huge volumes of fuel
Nigerian security forces repelled an attack by gunmen on an oil terminal operated by Italy's Agip in the Niger Delta late on Saturday

BBC asks: "Is the United States heading for a Depression?"
This will be the year of bankruptcy
Microsoft Readies Vista Update
More Customers Give Up the Cellphone Contract
Paul Volcker: “I don’t remember any time, maybe even in the Great Depression , when things went down quite so fast, quite so uniformly around the world.”
When Consumers Cut Back: A Lesson From Japan
President Obama's administration will take a hard look at the nation's Top 20 banks to see if they can weather a worsening Economic downturn
Paul Krugman: Banking On The Brink
Landlords become the slaves to tenants
Citigroup in talks with the Feds: U.S. Taxpayers might end up owning 40% Citigroup stock
Microsoft bungles severance pay, asks for money back from laid off employees
TMZ Responds to LAPD Internal Investigation on Battered Rihanna Photo
Farewell e-mails become an art form in this age of pink slips. Some are funny, some are sad -- and some are just plain furious
Homeowners are taking their onerous mortgage lenders to court to forestall Foreclosures
Philadelphia newspaper's owner files for Bankruptcy protection for 3 papers

Sales jump at Goodwill Stores
Schwarzenegger defends his raising of taxes and his support of the Stimulus plan
How Peter Schiff would fix America's financial crisis
The Internet groundswell to get Peter Schiff to run against Senator Chris Dodd
Six excellent charts clearly showing the correlation between unemployment and home prices
Let Housing find its Clearing Price
Falling home prices are the solution . . . not the problem
Utility Analyst Gives Us 4 Utility Stocks With Safe Dividends On Bloomberg

Massive manhunt for two prisoners who escaped Greek prison by helicopter (video + article)
A return to "PRUDENCE": British PM to "ban" 100% LTV mortgages (short video)
Bomb blast in Cairo kills French teenager and injures 20, mostly tourists
"Slumdog Millionaire" takes top picture honors at the Oscars
Republican's Hate/Love relationship with President Obama's just passed Stimulus package
Dollar, Yen Weaken on Speculation U.S. to Raise Citigroup Stake
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