Jim Kunstler's latest: "Bad Collateral"
House-Price Drops Leave More Underwater: 20% of Americans With Mortgages Are "Upside Down"
Data points to a California Housing bottom in 2011
Fortune: The crisis that began with the Bear Stearns debacle is about to enter year three. Yecch!
Forbes: Part-Time Nation
Peter Schiff calls out Alan Greenspan yet again: "Who me? Yes You!"
Space Tomato Packs Nutritional Super-Punch
Former fundamentalist 'debunks' Bible

Youth Magnet Cities Hit Midlife Crisis: Few Jobs in Places Like Portland and Austin, but the Hipsters Just Keep on Coming
Anatomy of an Economic meltdown
Pity Monhegan Island, Maine: high costs, lobstering limits threaten existence
Business Week: "U.S. Reliance on Oil an 'Urgent Threat' "
Warehouse workers fight Wal-Mart's anti-worker agenda; clergy members and warehouse workers arrested
Prosecutors seek prison for mom in MySpace hoax
A Reshaped Federal Reserve Bank Is Likely to Gain Some Powers, Lose Others
Jeff Walser, FDIC Economist, Charged With Attempted Bank Robbery
MSCI World, Metals Fall; India’s Record Surge Closes Trading
Do CEO's Matter?
Oregon Frisbee team’s lack of pants ends season
New York Times columnist, Maureen Dowd, admits to using virtually word for word a paragraph written by a liberal blogger
FTC nukes "extended warranty" robocallers from orbit
That Didn’t Take Long: Insurance Industry Breaks Promise to President Obama
Kids visiting Florida prisons on "Take Our Sons and Daughters To Work Day" are shocked by stun guns . . . firings of guards ensue
Anatomy of an Economic meltdown
Pity Monhegan Island, Maine: high costs, lobstering limits threaten existence
Business Week: "U.S. Reliance on Oil an 'Urgent Threat' "
Warehouse workers fight Wal-Mart's anti-worker agenda; clergy members and warehouse workers arrested
Prosecutors seek prison for mom in MySpace hoax
A Reshaped Federal Reserve Bank Is Likely to Gain Some Powers, Lose Others
Jeff Walser, FDIC Economist, Charged With Attempted Bank Robbery

Do CEO's Matter?
Oregon Frisbee team’s lack of pants ends season
New York Times columnist, Maureen Dowd, admits to using virtually word for word a paragraph written by a liberal blogger
FTC nukes "extended warranty" robocallers from orbit
That Didn’t Take Long: Insurance Industry Breaks Promise to President Obama
Kids visiting Florida prisons on "Take Our Sons and Daughters To Work Day" are shocked by stun guns . . . firings of guards ensue
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