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8 more US troops killed in Afghanistan within the last 12 hours
Case-Shiller index shows home prices rose in most major cities in August
U.S. official resigns over Afghan war
Ex-A.I.G. Chief Is Back, Luring Talent From Rescued Firm
60 Minutes: Medicare Fraud Bigger Than Cocaine In Florida
Child porn victim seeks restitution

Where will NASA's next giant step take us?
Rudy Giuliani: "The Indecider"
The Sex Diaries

If you missed out on Housing Credit of $8,000, don't fear . . . you'll make it back and more as housing prices continue to fall
Bidens says the new recovery is in progress in Cleveland because of the Stimulus Bill
Get Ready: The Case-Shiller Will Show Housing Is Falling Again
How the Public Option in the Healthcare Bill went from DOA to alive and kicking
House Democrats John Adler, Carolyn Maloney Move To Weaken Investor Protection Bill
Retirement Readiness Drops on Housing Slump, Nationwide Says

Fox News ratings soar, while CNN and MSNBC crater
Experts see rebounding economy shedding jobs
Hitchens: Christianity is a fraud if it’s not literally true
Pirates seize British couple off coast of Somalia
Obama to give $3.4 billion in grants for smart grid

Gov't may say recession over but not job losses
Qaeda-linked group claims Baghdad bomb attacks
Obama and Biden to travel to different areas of the USA heralding green energy push for updated power grid and factory which builds hybrid cars
Witnesses did not step in to help 15 year old girl who was gang raped outside a Richmond, CA school dance for 2 hours
Low milk prices have farmers slaughtering cows
How government insurance would work
Australia's biggest shopping center where "No One Gets Out Alive"
Bad weather could interfere with NASA test flight
A French magistrate has dropped a manslaughter investigation into a crash involving a motorbike and a police car that killed two teenagers and sparked riots in 2007
Qaeda-linked group claims Baghdad bomb attacks
Obama and Biden to travel to different areas of the USA heralding green energy push for updated power grid and factory which builds hybrid cars
Witnesses did not step in to help 15 year old girl who was gang raped outside a Richmond, CA school dance for 2 hours
Low milk prices have farmers slaughtering cows
How government insurance would work
Australia's biggest shopping center where "No One Gets Out Alive"
Bad weather could interfere with NASA test flight
A French magistrate has dropped a manslaughter investigation into a crash involving a motorbike and a police car that killed two teenagers and sparked riots in 2007
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