Announcing a drug for "jet lag"
S.F bus, pickup, both run stop signs at same time and have T-bone collision (video included)
Flaky dentist in Sweden repaired tooth 71 times
Human sacrifices 'on the rise in Uganda' as witch doctors admit to rituals
The Big Picture Blog looks at the Harbin Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival
EPA proposes nation's strictest smog levels ever
Five NASA space shuttle flights remain
Miami Dolphins unveil plans to upgrade stadium
How Big Oil and Big Coal mounted one of the most aggressive lobbying campaigns in history to block progress on global warming
Rolling Stone: The 100 Best Albums of the Decade
New center for families of fallen servicemembers opens at Dover AFB
The American Prospect: "Gentrification Hangover"
Netflix Agrees To Delay Warner Bros. New DVDs For 28 Days
Late-Night Shift Sinking, NBC Wants Leno Back in Old Slot

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael S. Steele's comments anger Congressional Republicans
Sheriff: Lakeland, Florida Lottery Winner May Be Dead
The Nation: "How To Save Journalism"
Cycling community urges lengthy sentence for physician convicted in "road rage" bicycle crash
Mother elephant kills American mom, baby in Africa
Anthrax Outbreak in U.K. Kills 6 Drug Addicts
New Mexico family sues after funeral homes sends mother's brain in bag of personal effects
The Big Picture Blog looks at "Three Days In Iran"
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei faces a growing barrage of opposition. Now prominent intellectuals are adding their voices to the fray
U.S. Payrolls May Have Stopped Falling as Economy Strengthened
The Disposable Worker: Pay is falling, benefits are vanishing, and no one's job is secure. How companies are making the era of the temp more than temporary
President Obama announces security overhaul
Retired Army General Predicts 300 to 500 U.S. Troop Casualties Per Month in Afghanistan
WSJ: USA is now a renters' market
Why are aliens, ghosts, and vampires suddenly dominating previously sober media outlets? George Noory, the country’s most popular overnight radio host, has some answers
(click on overnight temperature map to enlarge)
Fla.'s Big Chill: Iguanas Drop, Manatees Huddle
Snowstorm Enters Northeast, Imperils Morning Rush
Gays vow fight as NJ same-sex marriage bill fails
At least 3 killed, 5 hurt in St. Louis office shooting
Man Removed From Flight in Miami for Yelling "Kill Jews"
Alabama claims BCS crown with 37-21 win over Texas
3 in 25 juveniles in detention are sexually abused, study finds
WSJ Photo Journal: Pictures for the Day - 7 Jan 10
Possible breakthrough in 27 year old Tylenol poisoning case
Walrus Oral Sex: Pleasures Self In Sex Act At Aquarium (VIDEO) (NSFW)
Shadow inventory stalks Tampa Bay housing market
Woman kills boyfriend by lacing his Margaritas with anti-freeze
What the USA does not need this Winter: $3.00 a gallon gasoline
CES 2010: Hands-On With Google's Nexus One (Wired Magazine video)
Conn. police: Ex-Bush lawyer tried to kill wife
Sharon Stone: Meryl Streep "looks like an unmade bed"
Time: Still hunting for a bottom in housingCharred Body of Playboy Model Paula Sladewski Found in Miami Dumpster
Firefighters free penis from pipe
Does Atheism Offer As Much Comfort in Death As Religion?
Will Marco Rubio of Florida become the first U.S. Senator from the Tea Party?
Palin to speak at Tea Party Convention
2 Blackwater guards arrested for murder in Afghanistan, could face death penalty
Digital albums, vinyl made a comeback in '09 while CDs slide
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