www.a1anews.com - Independent Alternative News

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Monday - December 1, 2008

Citigroup says gold could rise above $2,000 an ounce next year as ". . . world unravels."

Breaking: Dadeland Mall up in Miami under lockdown after shooting, reported fighting, takes place

After 5 year deployment, South Korean troops finally leave Iraq

Talks to bring down Canadian government continue

City Center of Venice, Italy floods for the first time in 20 years as floodgates could not be raised in time

The Bush administration backed off proposed crackdowns on no-money-down, interest-only mortgages years before the economy collapsed, buckling to pressure from some of the same banks that have now failed.

The 32 best political cartoons from last week courtesy of the Boston Globe's "The Ink Tank"

How blogs, social gathering spots on the web and photo dumps online broke the Mumbai story before Mainstream Media

German court finds mother guilty of killing two babies, keeping them in her freezer, one for 20 years

More Indian officials quit in wake of Mumbai attacks

When the money goes, so does the toxic wife

Dozens of troops have run amok in the Zimbabwean capital Harare after losing their temper while queuing up to withdraw cash at a bank.

Hillary Clinton named Secretary of State

Suicide bomber kills 7 in Afghanistan

Two bombings kill 30 in Iraq

Cheating scandals shake online poker players

Maureen Dowd on the outsourcing of newspapers

Chavez angling to be another "President for Life" by floating idea to change the two terms allowed in Venezuelan Constitution

Twelve masked gunmen shoot up seafood restaurant in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, killing 8

After hundreds are killed in religious clashes in Jos, Nigeria, calm finally settles in

Space Shutlle Endeavor lands safely in California

Thai protesters ask to meet with Police after 50 of them were wounded by grenade attack . . . airports still closed down with 100,000 tourists stuck in Thailand

North Korea begins stricter border controls

Bailouts are unfair to those who are not bailed out

Mark Cuban says he's not the insider, that the SEC is

Upwards of 300 now feared dead in Mumbai massacre

JP Morgan plans to cut 19,000 more "suits" from their Washington Mutual buyout. Most of the layoffs to happen in Seattle



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