Dan Ariely’s Alternative Views of the Mortgage Crisis
St. Louis Cardinals steal Key West High School player, Khalil Greene, from the San Diego Padres. Go Khalil, keep making us proud!
Bernanke does a 180 and is now telling lenders to give loan relief to borrowers . . . or face more foreclosures. "Work it out. Now." Questions: who will pay for the lender's losses and how many investors' lawsuits will there be?
Americans stretching their dollars: Wal-Mart reports same store sales, year over year, are up 3.4%!
Happy Consumer Fest! Shoplifting Suspects Arrested After Woman Uses Taser On Kansas Wal-Mart Worker
Vero Beach, Florida man allegedly assaults his girlfriend with a Cheeseburger
Iranian police arrest 49 for wearing "Satanic" Western clothes

About 55 million years ago, a star near the dusty lenticular galaxy NGC 4526 exploded into a supernova, seen as a bright spot at lower left. In 1994, the Hubble Space telescope caught the weeks-long explosion as the light from it finally reached the Earth, and we called it Supernova 1994D, a fairly typical stellar explosion. The host galaxy also known as the Lost Galaxy lies in the background and is part of the Virgo Cluster. (NASA, ESA) More (see this on Google Sky) #
Alan Taylor of the Big Picture Blog gives us an "Advent Calendar" of awe inspiring Hubble telescope images . . . one a day . . . until December 25th.
Supreme Court to hear suit tomorrow challenging President-elect Obama's citizenship
Fantastic intereactive graphics on Housing Crash from WSJ titled "Shrinking Prices, Rising Delinquencies"
Pakistan vows to hunt down planners of Mumbai attack
Testy Canadian Prime Minister Harper takes his ball and goes home, ending Parliamentary proceedings til January 26th.
Cruise ships with 122 on board runs aground in Antarctica
JP Morgan: A Perfect Storm for Chinese Deflation
GULF CEO says gasoline could hit $1.00 a gallon next year!
Huge rate cuts around the globe bring us closer to Zero Interest Rates, Mish explains
Were six gunmen shot today at New Delhi Airport as BBC reported earlier in the day? Fox News says NO.
As global economy falters, oil falls below $44 a barrel . . . a four year low
Layoffs: Dupont to cut 2,500 jobs and trim 4,000 contractors
AT&T to cut 12,000 jobs . . . 4% of staff
Viacom Media to slice off 7% of workforce or 850 jobs
NBC snips 500 positions or 3% of workers
Formerly thought of as "recession proof", book publishers layoff
Stabilize housing prices by cutting them drastically
To truly “revitalize” housing we must allow prices to fall so that the market clears. Price-fixing doesn’t work. It didn’t work for Nixon in the 70s and it won’t work with interest rates today.
Let housing prices fall further
Jim Kuntsler asks, "Does Mr. O know?"
Florida is Number One in Mortgage Fraud . . . which is up 45% y-o-y nationally
"Phenomenal" Gorilla Baby Discovery in Congo
Amazon launches mobile shopping feature which allows iPhone owners to send photos of a product to Amazon to see if it is in their inventory
Windows on a Mac: Virtually Perfect
I'm with you . . . China will not dare invest in Western financial sector
The buck stops where?
November '08 - The worst month in 28 years for job cuts?
Google becoming "Froogle"
Is this Detroit's last winter?
Should the 401k be killed?
Virginia's GOP party head admits he's stupid for his remarks about Obama . . . yet he won't apologize
Fidelity redesigns website . . . centered around financial news
Leonard Pitts on Consumer Fest and our destructive love of stuff
Key West woman tires of making payments on her SUV . . . so she sets it on fire
Meet the funny Florida Keys Congresswoman: Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen hangs up on the nation's next president, believing he's just a disc jockey playing a joke.
Girl scout leader held for imprisoning teenage boy
Mumbai gunman tells Indians: "I was promised money for my family"
Bush hands mining companies a parting gift: continue blowing the tops off mountains and throwing the trailings into freshwater streams.
The share price of Con Edison (NYSE: ED) has only doubled since 1985, or doubled in 23 years time. So how did Con Edison shareholders who reinvested dividends back into Con Edison see their investment multiply eightfold in 23 years? Easy. The magic of compounding.

49 of 50 states's colleges get a big fat "F" when it comes to affordability
Fire in Chinese worker's dorm kills 11
Where does the money come from? US gives Mexico $400 million to fight drug cartels
Rwanda meddling in Congo politics . . . again
Credit Suisse to cut 5,300 jobs . . . most of them in investment banking
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