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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday - December 16, 2008 - God Wants You to Be Rich, Charles Hugh Smith's "Triage",Bernie Madoff: The Poster Boy for Unregulated Capitalism

Report: Canada would lose 600,000 jobs if Big 3 Automakers go under


While most companies cut back on capital spending, Dow Corning announced yesterday it will invest billions of dollars in solar cell research with two Japanese companies

Navy to buy 55 lightweight combat ships for use in shallower waters

Southern California home prices fall 35% in on year, November 2007 to November 2008

Robert Powell of WSJ and Market Watch has front row seat to Madhoff Ponzi Scheme: "For much of my life, the name Bernie Madoff has meant nothing to me. Now, however, it means far more than it should in my household and countless others across America. In my household, the net effect of the Madoff scheme is that my wife has lost all the money in her 401(k) account and her job as well."

OPEC to cut daily output of oil by 2 million additional barrels

Arctic Loses Over 2 Trillion Tons of Ice

Bernie Madoff: The Poster Boy for Unregulated Capitalism

God Wants Me to Be Rich

Goldman Gone Wrong: How Hank Paulson's old outfit transformed from being the best of class client driven investment firm to basically "one giant hedge fund"

Californian state house Republicans want to cut $10 Billion from schools

Cheney has no regrets, takes parting shots before leaving town on a fast plane to his unspecified retirement location

Charles Hugh Smith: "Triage"

Traffic stop of star athelete ends with his suicide by shotgun . . . investigation ensues

Intel Corp. survey: Nearly 1/2 of all women and 1/3 of men prefer the Internet to sex

Lead singer of Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Anthony Keidis, escapes kidney failure?

Dynamite found planted in famous Paris department store . . . Group takes responsibility and demands France pull out of Afghanistan

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