In the year 2025, the USA will no longer rule supreme suggests NIC report
Will the Greek student riots spread to France's restive campuses?

Maccau, China's gambling mecca, is emptying of players
Pirates outmaneuver warships off Somalia
Two Candian diplomats go missing in Niger
Italian Police arrest nearly 100 suspects in anti-Mafia roundup
INTERNET EXPLORER SECURITY ALERT! Users of the world's most common web browser have been advised to switch to a rival until a serious security flaw has been fixed.
Truthout asks, "Why should taxpayers bailout homeowners who have no equity built up in their homes?"

Slideshow of victims burned by Bernie Madoff
Now they are rewarding failure in College Football: New Auburn coach pick causes Charles Barkley, an Auburn alum, to lose his cool. Wait until you see the new hire's current won/loss record at Iowa State. Of course race had nothing to do with the new hire, wink, wink.
The coming credit card reforms are going to cost the banks Billions of $$$
Don't drive your couch to a Cleveland Browns game
Truckers have fewer hauls as Retailers cut back
Port St. Lucie giving Key West a run for the weirdest news in the Great Banana Republic: for the second time in less than 30 days, a Port St. Lucie man is arrested for assaulting his woman with a sandwich
Remember when Homebuilder CEOs and Realtors who drank the NAR Kool-Aid were predicting a bottoming for the Housing Crash to take place in 2007? Home values have dropped over $2 Trillion in 2008 alone

Normal Blue Book values on clean used cars less than a year old have deflated a further 9% - 39% as more owners now upside down on their car loans
The 17th Floor Where Wealth Went to "Money Heaven"
The end of dating, the rise of the Hook Up
Good News! Gasoline drops to early 2004 levels
Obama chooses "centrist" Senator Ken Salazar (D-CO) to be Secretrary of the Interior
How Buddhism and Christianity cross-pollinated ideas during the Dark Ages in the East
Secret Service defends its response to Iraqi who threw his shoes at President Bush's head
Many bet the Fed will cut rates to .50 basis points . . . or . . . 1/2%!
Arena Football League cancels its 2009 season
Tax revenues are so down in North Carolina for work on roads and highways, that the state is considering new revenues from charging motorists .0025 cents (1/4 cent) for every mile driven.
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