Taliban blow up 5 more schools in Pakistan to keep young girls from learning
German film critics maul Tom Cruise's anti-Hitler in new film "Valkyrie"
Naples, FL has the highest foreclosure rate in the USA
Foreclosures up 258% in Hampton Roads area of Virginia
An overwhelming majority of banks accepting TARP money saw the bailout program as a no-strings-attached windfall that could be used to pay down debt, acquire other businesses or invest for the future.
CEO of Bank of America, Ken Lewis, cannot read the handwriting on the wall
James Kunstler's latest: "Hope and Fear"

Garth Brooks, Stevie Wonder, Bruce Springsteen, Shakira, U2, Pete Seeger, and others rocked the Obamas and Bidens and a huge crowd yesterday at the Lincoln Memorial
Russia and Ukraine make nice, sign a 10 year gas transport deal
Obama honors troops and Martin Luther King on Holiday
Third case of bird flu in 3 days officially documented in China
Circuit City's "Mis-Adventures in Big Box Retailing"
Lessons from when the Japanese bubble burst
Countdown to Inauguration Weather Report
Is Peter Schiff going to run for Chris Dodd's Senate seat?
The fast spreading Windows virus already has infected 9 million computers worldwide
Apple Without Steve Is Like Disney Without Walt
Although he believes America is suffering its Economic Pearl Harbor, Warren Buffett believes there is no one better to lead us during these times than Barack Obama
Hints that Obama will use his Inauguration speech to talk about responsibility and accountability
Obama's people on 2nd half of bailout funds: more to small businesses and people, less to banks
Plane's recorders support hero pilot's story
Most blacks say MLK's vision fulfilled, poll finds
Samantha B. looks at the GOP's attempt to REBRAND
South African authorities rescue 167 miners trapped underground for 24 hours
79% of Americans say they are optimistic about the next 4 years
The Bull Run Begins This Week?
Natural gas for cars which run on it in Utah costs only 85 cents per gallon there
Draft of Obama's stimulus plan has Billions for a "Smart Grid"
Paul Krugman tells us why the Bank Bailout will fail in "Wall Street Voodoo"
Minority homeowners are most likely to have an unaffordable mortgage
Keith Olbermann: 8 Years in 8 Minutes
NYT: Hedge Funds Unhinged
Technical analyst's charts predict (open link to see video) oil heading to $17 - $25 a barrel
Layoffs picking up speed
Mish: Disaster in jobs accelerates . . . 120,000 jobs vaporize in first-half of January
SEC and FBI join forces in hunt for missing Florida hedge fund manager

Steelers beat Ravens, to meet Arizona in Super Bowl
In California, defaults come roaring back
Mortgage volume may have fallen last year, but not incidences of fraud: fewer mortgage apps mean dishonest, scheming mortgage brokers are more desperate and more prone to commit fraud
Wellington, Florida man receives 46 month prison sentence and must pay back about $450,000 restitution for scamming $3.6 million in mortgage fraud
New rules attempt to make RE appraisers more independent from those who hire them
Repair, not replace. Spend less, not more. Recession? Not for these businesses . . .
Will a Mexican billionaire save The New York Times?
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