Latest from Dr. Housing Bubble: 3 million Alt-A Mortgages valued at $1 Trillion, 70% of these show exaggerated income, 83% from 2004-2007 were low or no doc loans, 8 out of 10 Option ARM borrowers pay the minimum payment each month
11 month old baby playing with phone dials 911, cops come, cops discover 500 pot plants dad was growing in the home
Cleaner air leads to longer life
Layoffs: NYC Mayor says thousands of City employees to be laid off
Layoffs: Microsoft cuts 5,000 jobs on weak results
Layoffs: Time Warner to slice 10% of its workforce, or 800 jobs in its Warner Brothers Division
Layoffs: Eaton cutting 5,200 jobs
Mish: Pound sinks as Great Britain Teeters on Edge of Bankruptcy
David Crowe, Economist at the National Association of Home Builders, expects home prices to fall another 29% this year and expects new home sales (already the lowest since 1945) to fall 14%
Shocking Interview - Pt.1: Big Brother & The Holding Company (During the Bush Years) Collected Electronic Data On Everyone, Journalists Were Especially Treated To Spying 365, 24-7. All Data Is Filed Not Destroyed Says Fired NSA Analyst Last Night
Ambushed NATO patrol in Afghanistan turns tables and kills 22 Taliban . . . 8 more Taliban killed in another battle
Is Palin trying to extend her 15 minutes of fame by taking on the media which would rather ignore her?
Former French President Chirac hospitalised after mauling by his clinically depressed poodle; nevertheless, poochie is on anti-depressants
Video of British Army Officer biting heads off live chickens in Basra surfaces ( WARNING! video included)
Doctor's Nazi experiments may be responsible for town's large population of blonde, blue-eyed twins, says historian

What Is A Depression, Anyway?
Insightful Read: Interview with Fannie Mae's first Chief Credit Officer explains "The True Scope of the Housing Bust:
Hair Raising Good Read: Another call saying we will first experience deflationary Depression, then hyper-inflation
Day after the Inaugural: Noose found on desk of black Louisiana homeland security employee
As global crisis sends exports plummeting, Japan warns of two years of deflation and sets to buying corporate bonds to ease pain
Remains of what appears to be a bird found in recovered US Airways engine from the Hudson
87 Year Old Civil Rights Icon, Reverend Joseph Lowery, Blew Reverend Rick Warren Right Out of the Inaugural Pulpit
The Best Places to Have Lived in 2008 (slideshow)
Why You'll Work Through Your Retirement
All over America, retailers giving away FREE major brand cosmetics to settle $175 class action million lawsuit
Down to business: Obama prepares order to close Guantanamo site, works on Iraq withdrawal; Huddles with military leaders, economic advisers; signs directive on lobbyists

Sony reports first loss in 14 years
21 people indicted in Chinese milk scandal have day in court, are sentenced to long terms . . . two of whom receive the death penalty
One sector which is not doing badly in this Recessions and which will do eternal business: the funeral business
State of Georgia's unemployment rate hits 26 year high of 8.1%
An Evangelical Anti-Feminism Is Born
Female student murdered on Virginia Tech campus; new alert system used for first time since infamous massacre
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