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Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 13, 2009 - Friday -

As cost reductions kick in, GM says it doesn't need $3 Billion in bailout money this month

Brazil's president attacks Vatican for condemning nine-year-old rape victim's abortion

10 Incredible Living Walls

Hersh: 'Executive assassination ring' reported directly to Cheney

Joaquin Phoenix was involved in a huge brawl while performing at a Miami night club last night, wrestling a heckler to the ground before being dragged off by security

Continuing claims for jobless benefits set record; retail sales fall slightly

Man survives plunge over Niagara Falls

Google stamps its brand on phone management system, amplifying push into telecommunications

Phelps' loss is food bank's gain

Sri Lankan ministers targeted by Tamil Tiger suicide bomber

Big Picture Blog: Sri Lanka And It's Long Civil War

Ocean expected to rise 5 feet along coastlines by the end of this Century

World population to reach nine billion by 2050: UN projections

Scientists harness anti-matter, ordinary matter's 'evil twin'

HBO, Mormons square off over airing of sacred rite

Obama: Troop move to Mexican border under consideration

President Obama signs earmark laden bill, vows future spending bills will be more transparent to indict the guilty

Witness: Teacher 'sacrificed herself for student'
Teenage German gunman gave warning in online chatroom authorities say

Madoff blocks plea bargain with prosecutors by not agreeing to a conspiracy charge

Bristol Palin and "fiance" Levi Johnston split up a little over two months after the birth of their son, Tripp

Foreclosures Skyrocket 72 Percent In Cook County
Foreclosures up 30% in February

Seeking roommate to help in recession

Las Vegas Cancellations Pile Up

Snow for Virginia to Kentucky Tonight

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